Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders

Contributing factors to ADHD, can include birth trauma, brain injury, environmental toxins (molds, heavy metals and chemicals), genetics, loud music, fluorescent lighting, and stress. 

Those with ADHD may have had digestive, respiratory and ear disorders early in life, all signals of food allergies. If given lots of antibiotics one could be susceptible to yeast overgrowth. 

Easiest to change is diet. Blood sugar imbalance, nutritional deficiency, sugar, caffeine (while in the womb and being nursed,) and food allergies can make one more prone to ADHD. Wheat, dairy, eggs, tomatoes, corn, soy, sugar, peanuts, shellfish, citrus, peanuts, yeast, and chocolate can be allergenic. Keep a food journal to determine what foods have an effect. 

Hydrogenated oils, artificial colorings, chemical sweeteners ( including aspartame) and meats treated with nitrates can cause problems. Better to eat a piece of fruit than drink fruit juice, which elevates blood sugar. Refined grains like bread, cereals, and potatoes are high glycemic. Avoid heated oils, including margarine and peanut butter. 

Green vegetables, including celery and cucumbers are cooling to an overly heated condition. Sea vegetables provide trace minerals and brain nourishing DHA.  Wild salmon or sardines provide beneficial essential fatty acids and Raw tahini is a good vegan source. Foods that are organic minimize the chemicals one is exposed to. Pure water eliminate toxins. Pack lunch rather than purchase one. Changing a child’s diet works best when the whole family improves theirs. Encourage peace at mealtimes. Turn off phones, aay a blessing, speak calmly and eat slowly.

Create a mellow loving environment. Encourage deep breathing. Strive for regularity - meals and bedtimes. Get rid of clutter. Provide soft natural lighting.  Clean the house of smoke, molds and chemical fumes. Protect the child’s developing nervous system by keeping beds away from sources of electromagnetic pollution. Play relaxing music. A calming waterfall can have a serene effect.

Spend time in nature – gardening, hiking and yard work. Yoga aligns the chakras. Martial arts and exercise focus and use excessive energy. Find an activity one  enjoys and is good at. Encourage success. I find knitting, drawing, sewing, and crochet to be very grounding. 

Break tasks into small portions to avoid overwhelm. Give specific praise for positive behavior. Be consistent and patient. Avoid loud crowded places and chaotic situations. 

Spend one on one time daily. Physical contact like hugging and massage can stimulate endorphins. Cranial sacral work can relieve any pressure upon the brain stem. Neuro or biofeedback help train the brain’s ability to function normally.     

Spend more time reading and playing games. Minimize TV and video games. However games like The Wild Divine ( ) can encourage serenity and mental abilities). Most TV and video games keep one indoors and promotes frantic messages, constant visual changes, violence, and hyper chatter. Watch select programs together and only after chores and homework.

Encourage hands on learning. Sit away from distractions such as pencil sharpeners and areas of traffic. Consider tutoring, alternative schooling, smaller classes or private schools. 

Herbal tinctures can help ADHD. Look for tinctures in vegetable glycerin, rather than alcohol. Herbs that improve ADHD include calming and intelligence enhancing Bacopa, Catnip, Lemon balm, Passionflower, and Saint John’swort. 

Herbal baths can provide relaxation. Beneficial aromas include orange, lavender, peppermint and rosemary. They can be used as inhalations with three drops placed on a handkerchief and ten deep inhalations taken. Five drops can be added to baths. 

Calcium and magnesium have muscle relaxing properties and aid sleep. A yeast free B complex has a calming effect, improves neurotransmission and appetite. GTF chromium keep blood sugar levels stable and decreases cravings. DHA made from fish oils or algaes improve focus and intelligence. Digestive enzymes bromelain, and papain reduce inflammation and calm moods. GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) helps protect the brain from excitatory- anxiety related messages. SO natural possibilities could be tried before resorting to drugs.  Blessed be!


In Pursuit of Purslane
